Monday, May 23, 2011

Growing up FAST...

I am amazed each day at how FAST the boys are growing. Cadel is riding his bike better and faster each day. He's able to slow and stop now and takes turns without difficulty. He can ride a total of 3 city blocks with minimal assistance. Rob has taken up jogging to be at his side, just in case. The video shows Cadel riding around the block. This is his 5th time out. If you listen, you can hear Anton say "bike".

Anton is also growing up FAST. He has new words each day and is running with new energy and skill. Last night he braved the curly-Q slide all by himself. He came out the other end saying "again!".
Anton's favorite outdoor activity is driving his car...

Cadel's is chasing Mom and Dad...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Learning to Ride a Bike...

Cadel has had a trike for the past 2 years, but he's been asking for a new bike (aka "motercycle" for a while now). So, before the snow was even gone we bought him a new 16 inch bike. It's finally nice enough to get out and let him ride.

Here he is getting instructions.

Slowly he takes off...

He's got it!

Cadel is learning to ride without training wheels with the help of a nifty little invention called the gyrowheel ( There is a battery operated gyroscope inside of the front wheel which helps to keep the bike in motion and from tipping over. You can dial up the speed for beginners and turn it down as they learn to balance. He's already going 10-12 feet without help from us and giggling the whole time.

Oh, and in case you are wondering, the scratches on Cadel's face are from daycare. He fell on the concrete and a friend fell on top of him, pushing his face into the ground. He was pretty scratched up when we picked him up that day. He's looking better now though.